Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Beauty Shoppe: Character Appearance Change Coupons!

If you weren't happy with your character's appearance the first time around the Pearl Store offers a single use/one-time Character Appearance Change Coupons in the Beauty section for 800 Pearls (approx. $8.00).  However, for only 1000 Pearls (approx. $10) you can get a coupon that allows unlimited changes for ALL of your characters for an entire MONTH!  Isn't that fantastic?!

I'm not sure if many of you realize the potential of this!  You can literally RP your character changing hairstyles, changing makeup, wounds/scars, getting in shape, growing up, and a whole lot more.  The ideas for this are limitless.

You can easily change your character in game by clicking F4 to open the character creation screen and edit away.  You can load and save different presets to work with as well.